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2022 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Project - Taichung City

Taichung Environmental Protection Bureau (TCEPB) has carried out the work to manage the current quality of soil and groundwater, including conducting relevant guidance or investigation work on areas and undertakings with high pollution potential in the city, controlling pollution sources to prevent the continuous expansion of pollution, and conducting regular monitoring operations for soil and groundwater to achieve early warning and response functions, and inspecting and maintaining groundwater monitoring wells, handling pollution improvement effectiveness verification work and related publicity meetings. Provide citizens with a safe and comfortable living environment and achieve the goal of sustainable use of land resources.the overall work is as follows: Regular monitoring of farmland soil, in 2022, 38 blocks of farmland soil regular monitoring operations have been completed, and 31 blocks are recommended to maintain the frequency of monitoring every 5 years; Although there is no upward trend in the analysis of the 4 blocks, it is recommended to extend the monitoring work to once every 8 years based on the current status of use. In addition, a total of 3 blocks were affected by the fact that the screening values were lower than the soil pollution monitoring standard, there was no significant upward trend, and they had been converted to landscape crops or caused problems by non-systematic pollution, indicating that the pollution risk was greatly reduced, and it was recommended that the monitoring should be stopped.In simultaneously carried out soil sampling in plant root , have been completed soil sampling in 105 blocks of farmland this year. Among them, the inorganic arsenic of the agricultural land crop (rice) located in Fengyuan District exceeded the heavy metal limit standard (rice), and the soil screening results showed that the heavy metal arsenic did not exceed the soil pollution control standard. In the repair and maintenance operation, 39 well condition assessment operations, 19 monitoring well maintenance, 10 well body facility repair operations, 20 monitoring well re-completion operations, 5 well removal operations and 5 secondary waste wells were completed.The groundwater test results of B00466 groundwater heavy metal chromium exceeded the second type of monitoring standard during the dry period, and B00113 groundwater heavy metal chromium exceeded the control standard, L00065 did not exceed the standard, and the chromium concentration of the detection value of the three monitoring wells in the flood period decreased slightly. B00074 monitored groundwater trichloroethylene (0.0276 mg/L) and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (0.0407 mg/L) in the flood period of the well, exceeding the second type of groundwater monitoring standard. The B00109 monitoring well, located downstream of the site, has no abnormal test results this year. The Scheme completes regular on-site inspections and supervision of 54 sites every two months, as well as preliminary review of relevant reports submitted by each site. In addition, 6 site verification operations were completed, including 3 site verification failures, and must continue to carry out improvement operations. Completed the application and review of public institution declaration materials three times this year, and the completion rate of declaration was 100%. And completed the leakage function test and oil and gas testing operation of 15 gas stations, of which 2 stations were classified as Class A according to the principle of graded control. In the part of the underground storage tank verification, the original planning of 5 stations verification operation list, in accordance with the instructions of the Environmental Protection Department to suspend the relevant work, this year completed the ground penetration radar of 3 gas stations, 1 station of existing monitoring well detection work and 2 stations of simple well installation monitoring work, of which a trace amount of total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration was detected in the groundwater simple well of Wufeng gas station, Storage System Tutoring Assignments: This year, 312 times of storage system tutoring have been completed. In the part of the verification of the land used for the announcement of business land, 4 soil verification operations of the land used for the announcement project were completed this year, and the verification results did not exceed the regulatory standards. In addition, the soil and groundwater survey of Taichung Industrial Park was carried out, and the traceability of trichloroethylene pollution sources on the north and south sides of Taichung Industrial Park and the supplementary installation of early warning monitoring wells were completed, and the test results are currently being analyzed. Completed the return visit and longitudinal operation of 3 public institutions, of which the company did not improve after two return visits, so the soil and groundwater verification work was carried out, and the test results were not abnormal. After selecting the top four current surveys, experts and scholars were invited to complete 1 (Yonggu Electroplating Industry Co., Ltd.) site environmental survey and assessment operation. The program completed 2 explanatory meetings on laws and regulations related to storage systems, 1 seminar on environmental protection regulations, 11 campus education publicity activities (including 1 seed teacher training activity) and 3 conferences to promote the matching of solar photovoltaic equipment, the number of participants was in line with the provisions of the contract, and the questionnaire survey satisfaction was very high, and the advocacy effect was good. In addition, the production of 400 picture books and 330 campus advocacy materials were completed, and 500 copies of promotional materials and 3 promotional posters were completed in cooperation with the promotion of solar photovoltaic facilities. This year, 5 emergency response operations and 1 public complaint incident were completed, of which 3 soil detection items exceeded soil pollution control standards, and 2 cases detected high concentrations of heavy metals in sediment and exceeded the upper limit of sediment quality indicators. In addition to carrying out various monitoring and investigation work to maintain soil and groundwater quality in the jurisdiction, the project includes assisting in the compilation of early warning, monitoring, management and testing data in this year's industrial zone, completing 80 soil pollution assessment investigations and testing operations, assisting in the review and 36 on-site investigation operations. This year's performance appraisal progress control, soil and groundwater information management system data upload and management, proposed this year's two innovative operations and completed implementation, the preliminary review of each management site report (50 cases), assisted in handling the soil and groundwater pollution improvement promotion group review meeting (10 sessions), and accelerated site improvement promotion operations.
soil and groundwater